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Michael Brinker has been showing art in Visionary Art Exhibitions since the early 2000's. He started as a Pen&Ink artist and then moved on to Pyrography (Wood Burning), displaying these creations for many years at art shows all over the United States. In 2010 Michael went to Italy and France to study painting and airbrush for the first time. These mediums were something he thoroughly enjoyed and soon after he started a clothing business where he began airbrushing directly onto fabric, creating custom designed outfits and commissioned costumes and hats. In 2017 Michael went back to Europe, where he studied and worked, for 2 1/2 years, at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Art. This is where Michael truly honed in on his talent as a painter and mastered various techniques in both oils and acrylics by an International selection of Teachers and Masters in the Visionary Fine Arts. This was a very prolific time in which he created 15 different pieces that he exhibited in Vienna, Austria and Moscow, Russia. Michael also "Live Painted" at many European Festivals, creating both solo and collaborative art performing pieces. While in Vienna, he also started teaching workshops in Airbrush and Wood Burning. Now that Michael is back in the U.S., he is excited to show the illustrations of his Artistic Journey and teach others how to create their own Artistic Visions.

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